Explainable And Robust Deep Learning

Deep learning based autonomy stacks can often outperform classical approaches on limited domains. However, knowing when the network is unsure is important for widespread utility. To this end, we are working on improving robustness and explainability using uncertainty models on neural networks.


Robots are active agents that operate in dynamic scenarios with noisy sensors. Predictions based on these noisy sensor measurements often lead to errors and can be unreliable. To this end, roboticists have used fusion methods using multiple observations. Lately, neural networks have dominated the accuracy charts for perception-driven predictions for robotic decision-making and often lack uncertainty metrics associated with the predictions. Here, we present a mathematical formulation to obtain the heteroscedastic aleatoric uncertainty of any arbitrary distribution without prior knowledge about the data. The approach has no prior assumptions about the prediction labels and is agnostic to network architecture. Furthermore, our class of networks, Ajna, adds minimal computation and requires only a small change to the loss function while training neural networks to obtain uncertainty of predictions, enabling real-time operation even on resource-constrained robots. In addition, we study the informational cues present in the uncertainties of predicted values and their utility in the unification of common robotics problems. In particular, we present an approach to dodge dynamic obstacles, navigate through a cluttered scene, fly through unknown gaps, and segment an object pile, without computing depth but rather using the uncertainties of optical flow obtained from a monocular camera with onboard sensing and computation. We successfully evaluate and demonstrate the proposed Ajna network on four aforementioned common robotics and computer vision tasks and show comparable results to methods directly using depth. Our work demonstrates a generalized deep uncertainty method and demonstrates its utilization in robotics applications.


Ajna: Generalized deep uncertainty for minimal perception on parsimonious robots

Science Robotics 2023

Nitin J. Sanket*, Chahat Deep Singh*, Cornelia Fermuller, Yiannis Aloimonos, Sci. Robot. 8, eadd5139, 2023.
* Equal Contribution

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Perception and Autonomous Robotics Group
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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